Friday, December 29, 2006

Hasta la vista 2006, Alóha 2007 !!!

Happy New Year !!!
A question - Why it is each New year is bigger than the previous one ?? Mathematically I have a solution to it - 2007 > 2006 is it not ?? That's why each and every new year is bigger and brighter than the year passing by !!! Every year has it's Ups & Downs, +ves and -ves, Success & Failures, let me pen down what happened in 2006 - Received my Engineering Degree !! Bought my first bike - PULSAR (Drove alone - most of the time). A trip to munnar with my school friends. To Mom & Dad - My first gift to them was in 2006 & going to continue every year. Bro and me studied,enjoyed and roamed together after 10 long years. Onsite opportunity to Singapore(Missing my family & friends ) !!
What I aspire to be in 2007 & beyond - "What We Are Is Parents Gift To Us. What We Become Is Our Gift To Them" . My resolution for 2007 - To procrastinate Procrastination & Doi Moi Myself by executing my Plans !!!

Doi Moi - A vietnamese word for Renovate.


Rahman said...

Happy new year to ya!

Bragadees said...

happy new year bro...gr8 resolution. My best wishes 2 keep it lively. u r getting more singapoorian tat i can guess from d title of this post itself.

Vinod said...

@ Nazim - Thx
@ Bragadeesh - Thx and wish you the same. singapoorian - Hope not bro !!!

Anonymous said...

vinod this is very nice one.. bring s many ever green thoughts in mind..wishinsucess in every step